What is Apostolic?
The challenge is to set aside all preconceived ideas about what is meant by "Apostolic". Words like Ministry and Apostolic are used fairly liberally by the mainstay of churches, ministries and denominations on the Christian Landscape today. Unfortunately in most cases these words, concepts and ideas have been stripped of their biblical authority and power and have become just more victims to the devaluation of Biblical truth.
Simply put, truth is not a list of do's and don'ts and being Apostolic is not about dogma and doctrine. Being Apostolic is first and foremost the understanding that truth is a person - The Lord Jesus Christ.
I find it interesting that in John 5 we see the Lord is speaking to a group of trained and revered religious leaders and how He completely invalidates their scholastic and literal approach to God:
John 5:39-40 "You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! 40 Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life." NLT
How many churches and religious people use the scriptures to condone their own beliefs and to condemn and accuse others? Yet they miss the whole point. The scriptures were given as a way to point us to truth not to become the embodiment of that truth. It's like that old saying "you missed the forest because of all the trees" Life can only come from an encounter and surrender to the author of Life and that will never be experienced by doctrines, formats, principles or interpretations of scripture.
Sadly today there are thousands of young people who have left the traditional and Apostolic churches because they were never introduced to God. They were instructed. They were indoctrinated and they were dictated to but they never experienced the person who is the way, the truth and the Life!
So, what is Apostolic? Let me take a simple and personal approach rather than the theological and homiletically correct approach. Apostolic is an understanding that God has finally and completely revealed Himself to all mankind through His incarnation as Jesus Christ. He has revealed to all a way of life, love and forgiveness that leads us into a personal relationship with Him and with each other.
The author of Hebrews put it this way:
Hebrews 1:1-3 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.
God is no longer just speaking to man through the printed word or through the spoken media but He came Himself and showed us that He is a God of Love and acceptance and that He wants to have an ongoing relationship and intimate friendship with each and every one of us.
Being Apostolic is the telling of that story. It is a snap shot of How He lived and died and what He accomplished for us on the Cross and through His burial and resurrection. The Bible is a personal invitation from the creator of the universe to come and get to know Him.
Being Apostolic is not losing sight of what the story of the New Testament is all about. Its understanding that the power of that story and its effect on us today is just as life changing to us as it was to the Apostles who lived and walked with Jesus. No matter what our background, culture, race or sexual orientation might be.
Being Apostolic is not just about believing in the infallibility of the Bible but it's about knowing and personally experiencing the infallible God. Being Apostolic is about loving Jesus and treasuring His words and having Him speak to us on a daily basis.
Being Apostolic is not about preserving sound doctrine and holding to biblical truth. It's about awakening to the joy and wonder that the same Jesus the apostles knew and loved and served is the same Jesus we are so crazy about and walk with and worship today.
Acts 2:42 described how the early Christians lived:
They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread and prayed together.
When we embrace these same truths today - we are being Apostolic!
Being Apostolic is about living the message and the example of Jesus. The New Testament is a compilation of first-hand reports of His life, teachings, death, and resurrection. They were written down so that we would know His story from generation to generation.
Being Apostolic is understanding that the bible is a love story not a legal document.
Being Apostolic is understanding that God is looking for a family to enjoy not religious adherents to control.
Being Apostolic is understanding that His house has open doors and windows with no locks. Everyone is welcome and you can stay as long as you like.
Being Apostolic is about love and forgiveness; it's about healing and restoration. It's about freedom and choice not legalism and condemnation. Today the word 'Apostolic' is used by many different churches to say that they trace themselves back to the apostles. For example, some 'orthodox' or traditional churches claim to be able to trace their leadership back to the apostle Peter, the so called first 'pope' and in this way consider themselves Apostolic.
But in my opinion, true Apostolic churches are those that love and accept people. They embrace the individual where he is at. They feed the hungry and clothe the naked. They take care of the widows and the orphans. They care about the sick and needy. Apostolic is not about a baptismal formula but about a baptism of love.
Being Apostolic is about walking the walk not just talking the talk. It's about the Sermon on the Mount, beatitudes and Romans 13 the love chapter. It's about holding up someone who has fallen and being there when your neighbor comes calling.
That is what being Apostolic is all about in a practical day to day way.
I love Apostolic people no matter what church they go to!
Bishop Nate Morales
Pastor of Open Door Community Church
Las Vegas, NV